Jorjani Biomedicine Journal
Evaluating the application of performance management in Golestan University of Medical Sciences from the perspective of faculty members
关键词: Evaluation;    Performance Management;    Perspective of Faculty Members.;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Background and objectives: Performance assessment is a powerful management tool in the development of human resources. For their survival in a competitive environment, universities should enhance their management knowledge and performance. Thus, the present study evaluated the application of performance management in Golestan University of Medical Sciences (Iran) from the viewpoint of faculty members.Methods: This cross-sectional analytical study was conducted in 2012. A total of 136 faculty members of Golestan University of Medical Sciences were randomly selected. Data were collected using a reliable questionnaire (Cronbach’s alpha = 0.76) developed by the researchers in Shiraz University (Iran). The questionnaires, comprising two dimensions of benefits and applicability of performance management in the university, were distributed among the participants and collected after completion. The obtained data were analyzed using inferential statistics.Results: The studied faculty members reported the benefits of performance management and its dimensions, i.e. performance evaluation of faculty members and groups, support and improvement of performance of faculty members and groups, management of the groups, and comparison and ranking of the groups, to be at a desirable level. They considered “comparison and ranking of faculty members as acceptable. The applicability of performance management and its dimensions were also rated as acceptable. However, the benefit of performance management and its dimensions were rated significantly higher than the mean applicability and its dimensions in the university (P = 0.0001).Conclusion: The participating faculty members suggested the applicability of performance management in the current conditions of the university. Meanwhile, the benefit of performance management was scored more favorably than its application.
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