Autex Research Journal
Initial Investigation Into Real 3D Body Scanning Versus Avatars for the Virtual Fitting of Garments
Kinsella Marc1  Balach Monika2  Frydrych Iwona2  Cichocka Agnieszka2 
[1] TETRAD, Hartford Mill, Swan St., Preston PR1 5 PQ, England, Tel. +(48) (42) 636 55 22;Technical University of Lodz, Faculty of Material Technologies and Textile Design, Institute of Architecture of Textile, Lodz90-924, 116 Zeromskiego Street, Poland;
关键词: 3d body scanning;    body shapes;    avatars;    virtual fitting;   
DOI  :  10.2478/aut-2019-0037
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The clothing industry is currently focused on 3D virtual fitting. Many companies use size 12 as the core size; however, in recent years the average size has increased. For example, in the United Kingdom, the average size is now 16. Many companies have not updated their core size and often use size 12 as the size they are the most familiar with. The purpose of this paper is to compare real plus size body shapes with artificial avatars in relation to the fabric draping. This paper will investigate, how the body shape changes with an age (body height decreases, skin elasticity is lower, the shoulders are hunched, buttocks sag and fatness pockets are accumulated around the waist area). These factors are not considered in virtual avatars, but have a big impact on virtual fitting.

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