EMBO Molecular Medicine
A genome‐wide RNAi screen reveals essential therapeutic targets of breast cancer stem cells
Maher Kharrat1  Hayet Douik1  Abigaelle Gros2  Emmanuelle Charafe‐Jauffret2  Julien Wicinski2  Abir Arfaoui2  Candi Léonard‐Stumpf2  Violette Azzoni2  Manon Macario2  Christophe Ginestier2  Anthony Bal2  Daniel Birnbaum3  Francois Bertucci3  Pascal Finetti3  Ghislain Bidaut4  Claire Rioualen4  Rémy Castellano5  Yves Collette5  Emmanuelle Josselin5  Guillaume Pinna6  Sylvain Lossy6 
[1] Faculté de Médecine de Tunis LR99ES10 Laboratoire de Génétique Humaine Université de Tunis El Manar Tunis Tunisia;Inserm CNRS Institut Paoli‐Calmettes CRCM Epithelial Stem Cells and Cancer Lab Aix‐Marseille Univ Marseille France;Inserm CNRS Institut Paoli‐Calmettes CRCM Molecular Oncology “Equipe labellisée Ligue Contre le Cancer” Aix‐Marseille Univ Marseille France;Inserm CNRS Institut Paoli‐Calmettes CRCM Plateform Integrative Bioinformatics, Cibi Aix‐Marseille Univ Marseille France;Inserm CNRS Institut Paoli‐Calmettes CRCM TrGET Plateform Aix‐Marseille Univ Marseille France;Plateforme ARN Interférence Service de Biologie Intégrative et de Génétique Moléculaire (SBIGeM) I2BC, CEA, CNRS Université Paris‐Saclay Gif‐sur‐Yvette France;
关键词: breast cancer;    cancer stem cells;    JQ1;    RNAi screen;    salinomycin;   
DOI  :  10.15252/emmm.201809930
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Abstract Therapeutic resistance is a major clinical challenge in oncology. Evidence identifies cancer stem cells (CSCs) as a driver of tumor evolution. Accordingly, the key stemness property unique to CSCs may represent a reservoir of therapeutic target to improve cancer treatment. Here, we carried out a genome‐wide RNA interference screen to identify genes that regulate breast CSCs‐fate (bCSC). Using an interactome/regulome analysis, we integrated screen results in a functional mapping of the CSC‐related processes. This network analysis uncovered potential therapeutic targets controlling bCSC‐fate. We tested a panel of 15 compounds targeting these regulators. We showed that mifepristone, salinomycin, and JQ1 represent the best anti‐bCSC activity. A combination assay revealed a synergistic interaction of salinomycin/JQ1 association to deplete the bCSC population. Treatment of primary breast cancer xenografts with this combination reduced the tumor‐initiating cell population and limited metastatic development. The clinical relevance of our findings was reinforced by an association between the expression of the bCSC‐related networks and patient prognosis. Targeting bCSCs with salinomycin/JQ1 combination provides the basis for a new therapeutic approach in the treatment of breast cancer.

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