African Journal of Biological Sciences
Identification of Carboxylesterase genes and their expression profiles in conferring resistance to commonly used pesticides in Zonocerus variegatus (linneaus, 1758)
Folorunso, T.R.1  Awodiran, M.O.2 
[1] Department of Biology, Adeyemi College of Education, Ondo, Ondo State, Nigeria. ;Department of Zoology, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile ife, Nigeria.;
关键词: carboxylesterases;    gene;    cypermethrin;    pyrethroids;    susceptible;    resistant;   
DOI  :  10.33472/AFJBS.3.4.2021.76-87
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Identifying insecticide resistance mechanisms is paramount for pest insect control, as the understandings that underpin insect control strategies must provide ways of detecting and managing resistance, thus study identified the ability of Carboxylesterase (CarEs) genes in conferring resistance to commonly used pesticide by examining the expression of the gene in thesusceptible and resistant strain of Zonocerus variegatus, after Cypermethrin bioassay. Adult Z. variegatus was sampled from Savannah area of Oyo State, Nigeria, samples were collected and preserved in “RNA Later” for RNA extraction. The two groups of Z. variegatus were later subjected to quantitative quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction (qPCR) using two primers. CarEs gene expressions have both negative and positive ∆∆ct value when LmcesA20 primer was used. However, no significant difference in expression level was observed between groups for both primers LmcesE9 (F = 0.84, p > 0.05) and LmcesA20 (F = 0.499, p > 0.05). The study concluded that since the expression level observed for CarEs gene was the same using LmcesE9 in both groups, LmcesE9 may not function for detoxifying Cypermethrin in Z. variegatus. LmcesA20 showed a little variation in expression level in both strains having higher fold change in resistant strain than the susceptible strain, thus these members of CarEs genes need to be further verified for their specific role in conferring resistance to use of pesticides.

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