BMC Nephrology
Treatment of lead and arsenic poisoning in anuric patients – a case report and narrative review of the literature
Chip Gresham1  Chun-Yuan Hsiao2  Mark R. Marshall2 
[1]Department of Emergency Medicine, Middlemore Hospital
[2]Department of Renal Medicine, Middlemore Hospital, Counties Manukau Health
关键词: Arsenic poisoning;    Lead poisoning;    Chelators;    Anuria;    Extracorporeal blood purification;   
DOI  :  10.1186/s12882-019-1561-1
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Abstract Background Heavy metal poisoning can cause debilitating illness if left untreated, and its management in anuric patients poses challenges. Literature with which to guide clinical practice in this area is rather scattered. Case presentation We present a case of symptomatic lead and arsenic poisoning from use of Ayurvedic medicine in a 28-year-old man with end-stage kidney disease on chronic hemodialysis. We describe his treatment course with chelating agents and extracorporeal blood purification, and review the relevant literature to provide general guidance. Conclusion Cumulative clinical experience assists in identifying preferred chelators and modalities of extracorporeal blood purification when managing such patients. However, a larger body of real-world or clinical trial evidence is necessary to inform evidence-based guidelines for the management of heavy metal poisoning in anuric patients.
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