Colloquium Vitae
Correlação entre o gasto energético, peso corporal e massa magra de mulheressedentárias e ativas
关键词: Oxigen uptake;    Physical exercise;    Training;    Body fat;    Lean body mass;   
DOI  :  10.5747/cv.2009.v01.n2.v012
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
The aim was to verify the correlation among oxygen uptake (VO2) and rest energy expenditure (REE) with the body weight and lean body mass (LBM) of women. Voluntaries of 18-28 years old, 15 sedentary (S) and 15 physically active (A) with body mass index between 20-25 Kg/m2 were evaluated on body weight, skin fold thickness and calculated fat percentage (%F) and LBM. VO2 was measured in gas analyzer and REE calculated by indirect calorimetry. It was used Pearson correlation test to verify the relations. The differences of body weight (0.2 Kg) and LBM (1.2 Kg) between groups are not significant. The %F was 27.83.0 to S and 25.43.0 to A (p<0.05). VO2 was 0.15+ou-0.02 to S and 0.13+ou-0.03 L/min to A (p<0.05), when REE difference was only 0.05 Kcal/min. Significant correlation were observed on S group between LBM and REE (r=0.58; p<0.05) and between LBM and VO2 (r=0.52; p<0.05). It was concluded that physical active induced a favorable decrease on body fat, however it also provoked an undesired decrease of rest VO2. Spite the lack of difference on body weight and LBM, there was a small decrease of REE on physical active group.
【 授权许可】


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