Journal of Stress Physiology & Biochemistry
Secondary Metabolites Detected in Deep-Water Endemic Amphipods of Lake Baikal: Bacterial or Crustacean Origin?
Vereshchagina K.P.1  Lubyaga Y.A.1  Axenov-Gribanov D.V.1  Shatilina Z.M.1  Timofeyev M.A.2  Protasov E.S.2  Rzhechitskiy Y.A.2  Shirokova Y.A.2  Voytsekhovskaya I.V.2 
[1]Baikal Research Centre, Irkutsk, 21 Lenin str., Russia
[2]Institute of Biology at Irkutsk State University, Irkutsk, 3 Lenin str., Russia
关键词: Amphipods;    Baikal;    dereplication;    natural products;    secondary metabolites;    Ommatogammarus albinus;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
The aim of the study was to conduct a dereplication analysis of crude extract of deepwater Baikal’s endemic amphipod species, Ommatogammarus albinus. Detected masses provide some evidence that amphipod’s extract might contain both host and microbiota secondary metabolites. Some of the masses correspond with known structures isolated from eubacteria. Also, two compounds did not match with any registered natural products from the database Dictionary of Natural Products. Those findings allow suggesting that Baikal’s endemics and their microbiota are promising sources of novel natural products.
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