Ultrasonics Sonochemistry
Extraction of natural products using supercritical fluids and pressurized liquids assisted by ultrasound: Current status and trends
Arthur Luiz Baião Dias1  Ana Carolina de Aguiar1  Maurício A. Rostagno2 
[1] Laboratory of High Pressure in Food Engineering, Department of Food Engineering, University of Campinas, UNICAMP, 13083-862 Campinas, Brazil;Multidisciplinary Laboratory of Food and Health (LabMAS), School of Applied Sciences (FCA), University of Campinas, UNICAMP, 13484-350 Limeira, SP, Brazil;
关键词: Ultrasound;    Ultrasound-assisted extraction;    Supercritical fluid extraction;    Pressurized liquid extraction;    Natural products;    Bioactive compounds;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Natural products are a source of a wide range of chemical compounds, from pigments to bioactive compounds, which can be extracted and used in different applications. Due to consumer awareness, the interest in natural compounds significantly increased in the last decades, prompting the search for more efficient and environmentally friendly extraction techniques and methods. Pressurized liquids and fluids (sub and supercritical) are being explored to extract natural compounds within the green process concept. The combination of these techniques with ultrasound has emerged as an alternative to intensify the extraction process efficiently. In this context, this work presents a comprehensive review and current insights into the use of high-pressure systems, specifically supercritical fluid extraction and pressurized liquid extraction assisted by ultrasound, as emerging technologies for extracting bioactive compounds from natural products. The extraction mechanisms, applications, and the influence of operational parameters in the process are addressed, in addition to an analysis of the main challenges to be overcome for widespread application.

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