Coalescence Processes of Droplets and Liquid Marbles
Dzung Viet Dao1  Jing Jin1  Chin Hong Ooi1  Nam-Trung Nguyen1 
[1] Queensland Micro- and Nanotechnology Centre, Nathan Campus, Griffith University, 170 Kessels Road, Brisbane, QLD 4111, Australia;
关键词: droplet;    liquid marble;    coalescence;    digital microfluidics;    microreactors;   
DOI  :  10.3390/mi8110336
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The coalescence process of droplets and, more recently, of liquid marbles, has become one of the most essential manipulation schemes in digital microfluidics. This process is indispensable for realising microfluidic functions such as mixing and reactions at microscale. This paper reviews previous studies on droplet coalescence, paying particular attention to the coalescence of liquid marbles. Four coalescence systems have been reviewed, namely, the coalescence of two droplets freely suspended in a fluid; the coalescence of two sessile droplets on a solid substrate; the coalescence of a falling droplet and a sessile droplet on a solid substrate; and liquid marble coalescence. The review is presented according to the dynamic behaviors, physical mechanisms and experimental parameters of the coalescence process. It also provides a systematic overview of how the coalescence process of droplets and liquid marbles could be induced and manipulated using external energy. In addition, the practical applications of liquid marble coalescence as a novel microreactor are highlighted. Finally, future perspectives on the investigation of the coalescence process of liquid marbles are proposed. This review aims to facilitate better understanding of the coalescence of droplets and of liquid marbles as well as to shed new insight on future studies.

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