Systematic Design of Fully Balanced Differential Current-Mode Multiple-Loop Feedback Filters Using CFBCCII
关键词: Fully balanced;    current mode;    filter;    current conveyor;    multiple-loop feedback formatting;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

In this paper, a systematic design method producing balanced current-mode filters is proposed, using current controlled fully balanced second-generation current conveyor circuit (CFBCCII). In this method, many kind of all-pole multiple loop feedback (MF) current mode balanced filters can be obtained, all the produced filters have fully balance structures. Moreover, the frequency of the filters can be electronically adjustable. The produced nth-order filters are constructed by n CFBCCIIs and 2n grounded capacitors, no resistors are needed. The sensitivities of the filters and influences of CFBCCII parasitic elements on filters are analyzed.

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