IEEE Access
Generalized State Space Average Model for Multi-Phase Interleaved Buck, Boost and Buck-Boost DC-DC Converters: Transient, Steady-State and Switching Dynamics
Peter Azer1  Ali Emadi1 
[1] McMaster Institute for Automotive Research and Technology, McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada;
关键词: Interleaved multi-phase dc-dc Converters;    generalized state space average model;    buck converter;    boost converter;    buck-boost converter;   
DOI  :  10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2987277
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

This paper presents a generalized state space average model (GSSAM) for multi-phase interleaved buck, boost and buck-boost converters. The GSSAM can model the switching behavior of the current and voltage waveforms, unlike the conventional average model which can model only the average value. The GSSAM is used for the converters with dominant oscillatory behavior such as resonant converters, high current ripple converters, and multi-converter systems. The maximum current and voltage through the system can be predicted by modeling the switching behavior of voltage and current. The GSSAM in the literature is introduced for single-phase converters only, and it is not introduced for multi-phase converters due to the high complexity associated with it. Hence, the GSSAM for multi-phase buck, boost and buck-boost converters are introduced in this paper and the proposed models can fit with converters of any number of phases. The number of operating phases in the multi-phase interleaved converters is proportional with the output power to achieve the maximum efficiency over the operating range. Therefore, the proposed GSSAMs can describe the operation at any number of operating phases with switching dynamics of phases. The proposed GSSAM is validated by comparing the transient and steady-state dynamics between the GSSAM and a switching model from PLECS.

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