Digitalization of Multi-Object Technological Projecting in Terms of Small Batch Production
LeonidL. Khoroshko1  PavelM. Kuznetsov1 
[1] Department of System Modeling and Computer Aided Design, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Volokolamskoe Highway 4, 125993 Moscow, Russia;
关键词: automation;    modeling;    digitalization;    production;    projecting;   
DOI  :  10.3390/inventions5030038
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Decreasing the share of time for the technological training of new product creation is an actual and perspective task. The actuality of the given task always increases with the development of machine-building production. Changes which happen inside the organization of industrial production are connected to the development of consumer demand. Modern tendencies are such that there can be seen a constant lowering of batch products with an increase in the range of their production, and, consequently, a reduction in the production stage of the product life cycle. Under these conditions, it is necessary to react as quickly as possible to changes of external (for example, the arrival of new production orders, adjusting the number of already started production, etc.) and internal conditions (for example, stopping technological equipment for organizational reasons, correcting production routes for parts, etc.). Obviously, the effectiveness of the functioning of the production system will be determined primarily by the right decisions. Errors lead to large material costs and a serious loss of time, which can be fatal for an enterprise. The development goal described in the article is to build a digital model of a production system that allows—on a machine time scale and in the absence of material costs—the analysis of various control scenarios and finding correct solutions in in short time. The methodological basis for constructing such models is the use of simulation modeling with the combination of discrete event and agent modeling. The construction of a model on this principle allows its openness to accumulate information about successful decisions made and use them to solve similar problems in the future. The benefit of this approach is the ability to predict the production situation over time, rational distribution of technological resources, reducing equipment downtime, streamlining the routes of production tasks and determining the stages of acquiring the necessary materials and components. It increases the competitiveness of the enterprise and ensures its economic stability.

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