Modular Software Architecture for Local Smart Building Servers
Lamine Lagsaiar1  Isam Shahrour1  Ammar Aljer1  Aziz Soulhi2 
[1]Civil and Geo-Environmental Engineering Laboratory, Lille University, 42 Rue Paul Duez, 59000 Lille, France
[2]Laboratory of System Analysis, Information Processing and Industrial Management (LASTIMI), Mohammed V University, Rabat 10000, Morocco
关键词: smart building;    software architecture;    IoT;    hardware;    raspberry;    nodejs;   
DOI  :  10.3390/s21175810
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
This paper presented the architecture and construction of a novel smart building system that could monitor and control buildings’ use in a safe and optimal way. The system operates on a Raspberry local server, which could be connected via the cloud technology to a central platform. The local system includes nine modules that inter-communicate. The system detects sensor faults, and provides a friendly interface to occupants. The paper presented the software architecture IoT used for the building monitoring and the use of this system for the management of fifteen social housing units during a year. The system allowed the investigation of indoor comfort and both energy and hot water consumptions. Data analysis resulted in the detection of abnormal energy consumptions. The system could be easily used in buildings’ management. It works in a plug-and-play mode.
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