An Advanced IoT-based System for Intelligent Energy Management in Buildings
Haris Doukas1  Vangelis Marinakis2 
[1]Computer Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, 9, Iroon Polytechniou str., 157 80 Athens, Greece
[3]Decision Support Systems Laboratory, School of Electrical &
关键词: IoT;    semantic web;    rules;    energy efficient;    smart building;    smart city;   
DOI  :  10.3390/s18020610
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
The energy sector is closely interconnected with the building sector and integrated Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) solutions for effective energy management supporting decision-making at building, district and city level are key fundamental elements for making a city Smart. The available systems are designed and intended exclusively for a predefined number of cases and systems without allowing for expansion and interoperability with other applications that is partially due to the lack of semantics. This paper presents an advanced Internet of Things (IoT) based system for intelligent energy management in buildings. A semantic framework is introduced aiming at the unified and standardised modelling of the entities that constitute the building environment. Suitable rules are formed, aiming at the intelligent energy management and the general modus operandi of Smart Building. In this context, an IoT-based system was implemented, which enhances the interactivity of the buildings’ energy management systems. The results from its pilot application are presented and discussed. The proposed system extends existing approaches and integrates cross-domain data, such as the building’s data (e.g., energy management systems), energy production, energy prices, weather data and end-users’ behaviour, in order to produce daily and weekly action plans for the energy end-users with actionable personalised information.
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