Revista Electrónica Dr. Zoilo E. Marinello Vidaurreta
Elements of a didactic syllabus to teach an optional nutrition subject in Dentistry
Yusimith Díaz-Couso1  Taimi Santos-Velázquez1  Sara Elena Panizo-Bruzón2 
[1] Policlínico universitario “Gustavo Aldereguía Lima”. Las Tunas.Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Las Tunas. Las Tunas.;Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Las Tunas. Las Tunas.;
关键词: teaching materials;    nutrition, public health;    courses;    teaching;    learning;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Background: a dental professional, who has wide knowledge of nutrition, contributes to the promotion of healthy eating styles and prevents oral diseases and other systemic conditions that may be related to the process of nutrition.

Objective: to describe the elements of a didactic syllabus to support the teaching-learning process of nutrition in the degree course of dentistry, by means of an optional subject.

Methods: a development research was carried out in the aforementioned degree course at the “Dr. Zoilo Enrique Marinello Vidaurreta” Faculty of Medical Sciences of the University of Medical Sciences of Las Tunas, in the period from November 2017 to April 2018. The study used theoretical methods (historical-logical, analysis-synthesis, bibliographic analysis) and empirical methods (interviews and expert criteria).

Results: the elements of the didactic syllabus were presented, grouped in four thematic units which tackle different knowledge systems: basic aspects of the historical antecedents and fundamental concepts; nutrition and pregnancy; effects of nutrition on the etiology of diseases, related to the mouth complex and the endocrine system. A first version of the course was taught.

Conclusions: the elements of the didactic syllabus were presented in order to implement an optional subject in the degree course of dentistry. The results of the first taught version were positive.

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