Zirā̒at va Fanāvarī-i Za̒farān
Identification and Prioritization of Marketing Mix Elements Affecting the Export of Saffron from the Perspective of Experts
Toktam Mohtashami1  Mahnaz Motavalli Habibi2  Shakiba Sheddati2  Mohammad Ghodoosi3 
[1] Assistance professor, Institute of Saffron, University of Torbat Heydarieh;Graduate student of Industrial Engineering. University of Torbat Heydarieh;Instructor of Industrial Engineering, University of Torbat Heydarieh;
关键词: Analytical Hierarchy Process;    Saffron;    Marketing;    4P Model;   
DOI  :  10.22048/jsat.2015.11946
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The importance of saffron in the growth of non-oil exports makes it necessary to explain proper marketing systems based on expert priorities. The aim of this study is to identify and prioritize marketing mix elements influencing the increase in export of this product. In this regard, based on McCarthy's 4P model, different criteria for export marketing of this product were determined and prioritized using Analytical Hierarchy Process and interviews with 63 experts in the export of saffron. Based on the findings, product criteria with important sub criteria such as brands, the standard sign and packaging weighting 0.485, have the highest priority in saffron marketing. Promotion criteria (weight 0.281) are the next important in determining the marketing mix. Among the indicators of this criterion, advertisements (0.408), overseas sales (0.23) and specialized exhibitions (0.138) were the determining factors in maintaining Iran`s share of this market.  Finally, the criteria of price (weight 0.183) and distribution (0.068) have third and fourth priority in saffron marketing mix. Accordingly, identifying distribution channels in target markets, funding the establishment of an international distribution network for Iranian brands, supporting mechanized production process of saffron, and encouraging and requiring manufacturers to food-grade and health license are required and recommended.

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