Business, Management and Education
Why do I study? The mediating effect of motivation and self-regulation on student performance
Dorothea Wahyu Ariani1 
[1] Department of Management, Economics Faculty, Maranatha Christian University Jl. Prof. Drg. Suria Sumantri No. 65, 40164 Bandung, Indonesia;
关键词: flexible assessment system;    academic motivation;    self-regulation;    student performance;    self-efficacy;    cognitive motivation theories;   
DOI  :  10.3846/bme.2016.329
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The present study is designed to improve understanding of personal and situational effects on academic performance. This study examines relationship between flexible assessment system and academic performance mediated by self-regulation and academic motivation. This study also investigates moderated gender as a variable on the relationship models. A sample of 326 students of economics and business program were participated in the current study. The results indicate that academic motivational construct is a strong predictor of students’ self-regulation in learning and academic performance. Self-regulation mediates relationship between students’ academic motivation and students’ academic performance. Academic motivation and self-regulation also mediate the relationship between flexible assessment system and self regulation. The results also indicate that flexible assessment system does not have a direct relation with performance. These results are discussed with regard to the relevance of flexible assessment system, academic motivation, and self-regulation in increasing academic performance.

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