Case Studies in Thermal Engineering
Flow and heat transfer coupling analysis of oil-gas two-phase fluid in clearance of single screw compressor based on fuzzy curvelet finite element method
Haoyang Song1  Bin Zhao2  Diankui Gao3  Lizhi Xu3 
[1] School of Mechanical Engineering, Liaoning Shihua University, Fushun, Liaoning, 113001, China;Corresponding author.;School of Mechanical Engineering, Liaoning Shihua University, Fushun, Liaoning, 113001, China;
关键词: Fuzzy curvelet finite element method;    Flow and heat transfer;    Oil-gas two-phase flow;    Single screw compressor;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

In order to analyze the flow and heat transfer coupling rules of oil-gas two-phase fluid in clearance of single screw compressor, the fuzzy curvelet finite element model is constructed based on fuzzy theory, curvelet transform and finite element method. Firstly, flow and heat transfer coupling model of oil-gas two-phase fluid in clearance of single screw compressor is constructed according to the real characteristics of single screw compressor, and then the flow and heat transfer simulation of oil-gas two-phase fluid in clearance of single screw compressor is carried out based on fuzzy curvelet finite element method, fuzzy B-spline finite element method and traditional finite element, and results show that the proposed fuzzy curvelet finite element method can improve the computing effectiveness of flow and heat transfer of oil-gas two-phase flow in clearance of single screw compressor. The changing rules of maximum gas phase volume fraction are obtained, and the effect of inlet end face angle on outlet temperature of oil gas two phase fluid is obtained. In addition the influence of various turbulent models on the computing precision has been carried out.

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