Journal of the Egyptian Mathematical Society
Flow and heat transfer in a rectangular converging (diverging) channel: new formulation
Dil Nawaz Khan Marwat1  Roohi Laila1  Azhar Ali2 
[1] Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Technology and Engineering Sciences, Islamia College Peshawar;Electrical Department, Sarhad University of Science and Information Technology Peshawar;
关键词: Flow and heat transfer;    Channel of rectangular inclined plan;    Walls Introduction;   
DOI  :  10.1186/s42787-021-00126-7
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Abstract In this paper, a model problem of viscous flow and heat transfer in a rectangular converging (diverging) channel has been investigated. The governing equations are presented in Cartesian Coordinates and consequently they are simplified and solved with perturbation and numerical methods. Initially, symmetrical solutions of the boundary value problem are found for the upper half of the channel. Later on, these solutions are extended to the lower half and then to the whole channel. The numerical and perturbation solutions are compared and exactly matched with each other for a small value of the parameters involved in the problem. It is also confirmed that the solutions for the converging/diverging channel are independent of the sign of m (the slope). Moreover, the skin friction coefficient and heat transfer at the upper wall are calculated and graphed against the existing parameters in different figures. It is observed that the heat transfer at walls is decreased (increased) with increasing $${c}_{1}$$ c 1 (thermal controlling parameter) for diverging (converging). It is also decreased against Pr (Prandtle number). For $${c}_{1}=0$$ c 1 = 0 , the temperature profiles may be exactly determined from the governing equations and the rate of heat transfer at the upper wall is $$\theta^{\prime } (1) = \frac{m}{{(1 + m^{2} )\tan^{ - 1} m}}$$ θ ′ ( 1 ) = m ( 1 + m 2 ) tan - 1 m . It is confirmed that the skin friction coefficient behaves linearly against Re* (modified Reynolds number) and it is increased with increasing of Re* (changed from negative to positive). Moreover, it is increased asymptotically against m and converges to a constant value i.e. zero.

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