Sport Mont
Zoran Milošević1  Radovan Čokorilo1 
[1] Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja Novi Sad. ;
关键词: leader;    manager;    ethics;    management;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Leadership is the most important factor of the structure and dynamics of each organised group. In the broadest sense of the word it is studied as an interactive process which affects individuals and groups in terms of implementation of the set goals. Leadership affects orientation of a group, exchange of information, decision making, establishment of interpersonal relations, people’s motivation, etc. One should make a difference between a leader and a manager who is primarily in charge of planning, organisation, budget, assistant personnel etc. Even though leaders some¬times have the same obligations, leadership involves the skill of vision embodi¬ment and not only a specific style of behaviour. The paper begins with an analyses of four approaches to leadership (character, behavioural, interactive, multidimensional). This is followed by an analysis of theoretical aspects of ethical theories on personal traits and leader behaviour. Special emphasis is put on the phenomenon of influence of each leader on his followers, which includes a huge ethical responsibility. Results of our analysis indicate that ethics of leadership in sports management is primarily important to the leader himself, however, due to the nature of influence as a process, it is equally important for organisational values and motivation of followers in implementation of common goals.

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