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Multifaceted CrossRef DOI: Do We Use All Functions?
N. N. Litvinova1 
[1] Non-profit Partnership “National Electronic Information Consortium” (NEICON);
关键词: doi;    crossref;    digital object identifier;    reference lists;    links;    mentions;    altmetrics;    open access;    unpaywall;   
DOI  :  10.24108/2658-3143-2020-3-2-3-155-165
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The article deals with some new functions of DOI CrossRef system. Based on current database of more than 100 million of records containing DOIs and advanced sets of metadata new important functions of DOIs emerged. DOI is now widely used for discovery and accounting of publications’ mentions on the Internet by altmetric services and  CrossRef DOI Event Data. DOI CrossRef is also served as a basis for Unpaywall sevice which defines open access status of publications. Analyzed are typical problems of Russian publications preventing correct discovery of open access evidence by Unpaywall: missing DOIs, incomplete metadata registered with CrossRef and on publications web pages on the Internet, mistakes in DOIs.

【 授权许可】


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