Applied Surface Science Advances
Exploration of structural and magnetic properties of bulk and nano sized Pr0.57Ca0.43Mn1-YGaYO3 (Y=0, 0.02) manganite synthesised by sol-gel method
A.S. Manjunatha1  Koushalya P R2 
[1] Corresponding author;Department of Physics, Don Bosco Institute of Technology (Affiliated to Visvesvaraya Technological University - Belagavi) Mysore Road, Kumbalagodu, Bengaluru 560 074, India;
关键词: Perovskite;    Charge order;    Ferromagnetism;    Antiferromagnetic phase;    Sol gel synthesis;    superparamagnetism;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Pr0.57Ca0.43MnO3 (PCMO) & Pr0.57Ca0.43Mn0.98Ga0.02O3 (PCMGO) manganites are synthesized by sol gel technique. Structural characterization was done through XRD, SEM, TEM, FTIR and EDAX analysis. Magnetization measurements were carried out through Vibration Sample Magnetometer (VSM). Field cooled (FC) and Zero field cooled (ZFC) magnetization of both the nano particles with respect to temperature were studied and compared. Pr0.57Ca0.43MnO3(PCMOB) bulk sample is charge ordered(CO) at temperature 240K and shows antiferromagnetic (AFM) ordering peak at temperature TN=170K. We recorded the Ferromagnetic (FM) transition in 2% Ga doped Pr0.57Ca0.43Mn0.98Ga0.02O3 (PCMGOB) bulk sample but CO peak remains unaltered. Interestingly disappearance of CO and emergence of FM phase is found in both PCMO and PCMGO nano particles. FM transition is further confirmed by magnetization hysteresis studies. Both the nano particles exhibit Superparamagnetic behavior with blocking temperature at TB=35 K. The possible reasons for the observed results are discussed.

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