Journal of Indian Association of Pediatric Surgeons | |
Regenerative urethroplasty in reoperative hypospadias: Buried strip principle revisited | |
关键词: Denis Browne; hypospadias; regeneration; tubularized incised plate; tunica vaginalis; urethroplasty; | |
DOI : 10.4103/0971-9261.93965 | |
来源: DOAJ |
【 摘 要 】
Aim : Reporting the feasibility of the Denis Browne (buried strip) principle along with tunica vaginalis (TV) pedicled wrapping of the strip in reoperative urethroplasty in hypospadias. Materials and Methods : Over a period of 5 years, 32 patients presented with failure of previous urethroplasty and the range of failure was between 2 and 6 times; mean 2.5 times. Mean age was 12.9 (range 2 to 26 years) years. "Buried strip" urethroplasty (i.e., without tubularization of urethral plate) and wrapping with TV were done along with supra pubic cystostomy (SPC) for diversion of urine. Mean follow-up was 29.8 (range 12 to 56 months) months. Results : One patient had fistula and vertical slit meatus was possible in 26 patients. The flow of urine was satisfactory in 31 patients and one patient developed pouch in penile urethra. Conclusions : The buried strip along with the additional coverage with TV was found to be simple and effective in salvaging the failed urethroplasty.
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