Mechanisms through which an environmental antiandrogen, vinclozolin, induces malformations of the male rat reproductive tract.
hypospadias;growth factors;sexual differentiation;endocrine disruptor;antiandrogen
Wolf, Cynthia Jean ; John Vandenbergh, Committee Member,Russell Borski, Committee Member,Stacy Branch, Committee Member,Gerald A. LeBlanc, Committee Chair,L. Earl Gray, Jr., Committee Member,Wolf, Cynthia Jean ; John Vandenbergh ; Committee Member ; Russell Borski ; Committee Member ; Stacy Branch ; Committee Member ; Gerald A. LeBlanc ; Committee Chair ; L. Earl Gray ; Jr. ; Committee Member
University:North Carolina State University
关键词: hypospadias;    growth factors;    sexual differentiation;    endocrine disruptor;    antiandrogen;   
Others  :  https://repository.lib.ncsu.edu/bitstream/handle/1840.16/4358/etd.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y
来源: null
【 摘 要 】

Androgens activate the androgen receptor (AR) to stimulate transcription of gene products that mediate local control of morphogenesis of the male reproductive tract. The fungicide vinclozolin (V) interferes with male reproductive tract development by antagonizing the AR.In this dissertation research, we investigated whether V also may elicit antiandrogenic effects by suppressing the AR or suppressing epidermal growth factor (EGF) and its receptor.EGF has been implicated as a local contributor to the androgen response. Our first objective was to identify a dosing regime that would reliably interfere with masculine development of exposed male fetuses.Specific demasculinizing effects of V were also evaluated.Administration of V to the rat dam at 200 mg/kg from gestational day (GD) 14 - 19 induced a full array of antiandrogenic effects.Malformations, including cleft phallus, vaginal pouch and ectopic testes, were induced in 97% of the male offspring.V at 400 mg/kg increased the severity of these malformations without inducing overt toxicity.Next, we used this dosing regime (200 mg/kg on GD 14 - 19) to test the hypothesis that co-administration of an androgenic competitor for the AR, testosterone propionate (TP), would antagonize V in vivo and ameliorate its effects.TP attenuated most antiandrogenic effects of V in the male offspring.V attenuated the masculinizing effects of TP in the female.The results indicate that V and androgen TP are competing for occupancy of the AR and can attenuate the effects of the other.We then investigated whether the EGF and the EGF receptor (EGFR) are employed downstream of the AR in androgen action, and are altered by V.First, we tested the hypothesis that EGF is a downstream agent of androgenic action by evaluating whether EGF co-administration during prenatal development would allow normal masculinization of V-treated fetuses.EGF at 20 or 100 micrograms/kg to the dam did not induce androgenic effects or attenuate antiandrogenic effects of V in the offspring.We next tested the hypothesis that AR inhibition by V reduces EGFR expression in affected tissue. We analyzed EGFR expression levels in the fetal phallus exposed to V by immunohistochemistry.EGFR levels were not altered on GD 18 in the male phallus by V exposure.We concluded that EGFR levels do not play a role in initiation of the antiandrogenic effects of V.Lastly, we hypothesized that AR expression is reduced by V in affected tissueimmediately following exposure.We analyzed AR expression in weanling and adult sex accessory glands and in the fetal phallus of males exposed to prenatal V.We found that AR expression was not altered in the adult, weanling, or fetus by prenatal V. These results suggest that altered AR expression level is not a mechanism by which V induces antiandrogenic effects.In summary, we have found that prenatal exposure to V produces a variety of permanent antiandrogenic effects in the male rat fetus.These effects can be attenuated with exogenous androgen treatment, which is consistent with the known ability of V to inhibit the AR. No evidence was generated to suggest that V also elicits antiandrogenic activity by suppressing AR levels, or suppressing EGF or EGFR levels.These results do not disprove an association of EGF in AR action.Additional studies are required to definitively establish any putative role of EGF in development of the male reproductive tract.

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