Sociološki Pregled
Characteristics of the working legislative in 'post - socialist' Yugoslavia
Novaković Nada G.1 
[1] Institute of Social Sciences, Belgrade, Serbia;
关键词: low;    rights;    interests;    working class;    trade unions;    privatization;    modernity;    participation;   
DOI  :  10.5937/socpreg0101055N
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

In this article the author points the main these: labor low in 'post socialistic' Yugoslavia is contradictory, partial and inconsistent. Some working rights are neglected, some are imitation of its in the market economy and some of them are pre-modern. The main part of the working legislative gives opportunity to protect interests of old/new elite. The author analyses problems of the transitions, privatization, social role and power of economical elite and workers, the position of trade union, wages and the other household incomes, (non)employment workers, economic pauperism of social groups. The former problems are explored on formal and empirical level.

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