Revista de Psicología
Professional self-concept: Prediction of teamwork commitment
Maíra Gabriela Santos de Souza1  Katia Puente-Palacios2 
[1] Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária;Universidade de Brasilia;
关键词: Professional self-concept;    team commitment;    teamwork;    team effectiveness;    personal beliefs;   
DOI  :  10.18800/psico.201802.003
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The role of self-concept in the context of the way in which work teams function has not been clearly identified, demonstrating the importance of studying this phenomenon. The objective was to evaluate the explanatory power of professional self-concept and personal beliefs in relation to affective commitment. The study was performed with data from 405 Brazilian employees, using a questionnaire with satisfactory reliability indices (α between .75 and .91). The results showed a significant influence of self-concept and personal beliefs in the prediction of commitment (R² = .20). Thus, the vision that workers have of themselves and their beliefs about team work are important predictors of the bonds that they develop with their teams.

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