Sensors & Transducers
Multi-Machine Communication Based on I2C-Bus
Xiaopei LIU1  Cheng ZHU1  Teng FEI1 
[1] Tianjian University of Commerce, Tianjin, 300134, China;
关键词: MCU;    Multi-Machine communication;    I2C;    Data frame;    Cortex-M0.;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

This paper focuses on multi-machine communication, a communication pattern, based on I2C-bus. First, this article briefly introduces the features, byte format and communication mechanism of I2C-bus. Then, the shortcomings of I2C-bus are overcome effectively by applying I2C-bus extender and single-line handshake which is based on interrupt. After that, document adds details about data frame, address list, data buffer and deadlock recovery to realize design for software level. Finally, the whole procedure is elaborated by taking 4-machine communication for instance. This design has been proven to possess many advantages such as completeness and reliability, which meet the demands in engineering practices.

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