AAPPS Bulletin
New era of synchrotron radiation: fourth-generation storage ring
Seunghwan Shin1 
[1]Accelerator Division, PLS-II, Pohang Accelerator Laboratory
关键词: Fourth-generation storage ring;    Multi-bend achromat lattice;    Brightness;    Coherence;   
DOI  :  10.1007/s43673-021-00021-4
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Abstract There had been remarkable progress in developing third-generation electron storage rings as the main sources of very bright photon beams. Fourth-generation storage rings based on the multi-bend achromat lattice concept may be able to surpass the brightness and coherence that are attained using present third-generation storage rings. In this paper, we survey ongoing work around the world to develop concepts and designs for fourth-generation electron storage rings.
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