Hypergraph-Supervised Deep Subspace Clustering
Hongmin Cai1  Yu Hu1 
[1] School of Computer Science and Engineering, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510006, China;
关键词: deep learning;    computational intelligence;    neural networks;    deep subspace clustering;    hypergraph;   
DOI  :  10.3390/math9243259
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Auto-encoder (AE)-based deep subspace clustering (DSC) methods aim to partition high-dimensional data into underlying clusters, where each cluster corresponds to a subspace. As a standard module in current AE-based DSC, the self-reconstruction cost plays an essential role in regularizing the feature learning. However, the self-reconstruction adversely affects the discriminative feature learning of AE, thereby hampering the downstream subspace clustering. To address this issue, we propose a hypergraph-supervised reconstruction to replace the self-reconstruction. Specifically, instead of enforcing the decoder in the AE to merely reconstruct samples themselves, the hypergraph-supervised reconstruction encourages reconstructing samples according to their high-order neighborhood relations. By the back-propagation training, the hypergraph-supervised reconstruction cost enables the deep AE to capture the high-order structure information among samples, facilitating the discriminative feature learning and, thus, alleviating the adverse effect of the self-reconstruction cost. Compared to current DSC methods, relying on the self-reconstruction, our method has achieved consistent performance improvement on benchmark high-dimensional datasets.

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