Multimodal Technologies and Interaction
A Human-Computer Control System Based on Intelligent Recognition of Eye Movements and Its Application in Wheelchair Driving
Jianting Cao1  Dongying Ju1  Wenping Luo1  Kousuke Ishikawa2 
[1] Graduate School of Engineering, Saitama Institute of Technology, Fukaya 369-0217, Japan;Tokyo Green Power Electric Research Institute Co., Ltd., Tokyo 111-0022, Japan;
关键词: human-computer interaction;    binarization;    convolutional neural networks;    machine learning;   
DOI  :  10.3390/mti5090050
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

This paper presents a practical human-computer interaction system for wheelchair motion through eye tracking and eye blink detection. In this system, the pupil in the eye image has been extracted after binarization, and the center of the pupil was localized to capture the trajectory of eye movement and determine the direction of eye gaze. Meanwhile, convolutional neural networks for feature extraction and classification of open-eye and closed-eye images have been built, and machine learning was performed by extracting features from multiple individual images of open-eye and closed-eye states for input to the system. As an application of this human-computer interaction control system, experimental validation was carried out on a modified wheelchair and the proposed method proved to be effective and reliable based on the experimental results.

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