History of Computing
Intertwingled: The Work and Influence of Ted Nelson
Douglas R. Dechow ; Daniele C. Struppa
keywords: history of computing;    data structures;    user interfaces;    human-computer interaction;   
Publisher: Springer
【 摘 要 】
This engaging volume celebrates the life and work of Theodor Holm ��Ted�� Nelson, a pioneer and legendary figure from the history of early computing. Presenting contributions from world-renowned computer scientists and figures from the media industry, the book delves into hypertext, the docuverse, Xanadu and other products of Ted Nelson��s unique mind. Features: includes a cartoon and a sequence of poems created in Nelson��s honor, reflecting his wide-ranging and interdisciplinary intellect; presents peer histories, providing a sense of the milieu that resulted from Nelson��s ideas; contains personal accounts revealing what it is like to collaborate directly with Nelson; describes Nelson��s legacy from the perspective of his contemporaries from the computing world; provides a contribution from Ted Nelson himself. With a broad appeal spanning computer scientists, science historians and the general reader, this inspiring collection reveals the continuing influence of the original visionary of the World Wide Web.
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