Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais
Possibilidades de consumo dos espaços de aparição, partilhas de gênero e performatividades
关键词: gender inequality;    gender representation;    religious institutions;    religious practices;   
DOI  :  10.4000/rccs.12455
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Based on a reflection that examines the constitution of space as an important consideration in the struggle for recognition, the objective of this article is to study the differential possibilities regarding the consumption of spaces of appearance for men and women at Hillsong Church. We will analyze how an individual’s religious values will materialize to a lesser extent in terms of gender in the expressive content than in the performativity of space constitution in which gender can be expressed. We will use critical discourse analysis to study space from a gender representation perspective through images published on Hillsong São Paulo’s Instagram profile in 2019. The differential spaces of appearance at Hillsong Church are not only a way of organizing bodies in assemblies, but a living set of relationships, which performatively instrumentalizes the authorized modes of appearance and can be interpreted as moral spaces of gender appearance.

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