Berkala Ilmu Perpustakaan dan Informasi
Konsumsi Gadget Siswa Sekolah Dasar Muhammadiyah Kota Yogyakarta
Lilik Kurniawati Uswah1 
[1] Perpustakaan UGM;
关键词: Consumption;    Digital natives;    Gadget;   
DOI  :  10.22146/bip.8832
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Digital natives refer to a generation thatfavours speed, where by communication is done quickly and the information is spread instantly. There is a worry against social and cultural implication of the use of gadget among children. There is also another worry against the impact of mass culture to the mindset and lifestyle of the young generation and the community in general. New technologt is suspected as being used more for recreational rather than educational purposes. Productive activities such as learning, socializing, and deeper probing af precious traditional values will simply be replaced by intense exposure to receational information technology. The study aims at I) comprehensively identifying gadget consumption behavior of school children at Muhammadiyah elementary school of Yogtakarta Municipality using descriptive method that describes naturally the pltenomena and condition with no hypothesis. Informants of the study are gadget users of 10-12 years old at Muhammadiyah elementary schools of Yogyakarta Municipality, i.e. Sokonandi, Karangkajen and Pakel Muhammadiyah elementary schools; 2) describing the behavior and the practice of using gadget by respondents. Interview is conducted freely, even some of the respondents are unaware they are being interviewed. Data are collected through ethnographic approach, by developing the relation between the interviewer and interviewee. The result show that there is no need to worry about the use of gadgets in Muhammadiyah School of Yogyakarta Municipality.

【 授权许可】


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