Journal of Indian Academy of Oral Medicine and Radiology
Dental professionals as a counsellor for tobacco cessation: A survey
关键词: Cessation;    counsellor;    dentist;    dependence;   
DOI  :  10.4103/jiaomr.JIAOMR_44_16
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Aim: To evaluate the role of oral physicians as a counsellor in tobacco cessation. Material and Methods: A questionnaire was designed and distributed among 110 randomly selected participants, i.e., students (interns) and dental professionals. The questions were meant to assess the level of the knowledge, attitude, and effectiveness of dental students and professionals towards tobacco cessation. Result: A total of 100 participants responded to the survey, thus the response rate was 90.9%. A total of 77.4% were comfortable handling patients with tobacco dependence, 78.6% stressed on history pertaining to tobacco, and 87.6% did counselling habitually. Only 5.4% had received additional training for the same and only 5% thought training received was sufficient. Majority of dentists were doing counselling by asking and advising, and limited participants were using nicotine replacement therapy and other pharmacological and behavioural therapies, and only 24.7% were referring patients of high dependence to psychiatrists. Conclusion: The present study concluded that though dentists had a positive attitude towards tobacco cessation and were stressing on history and warning and advising to quit, more emphasis on pharmacological and behavioral therapies should be given. This can be achieved through alteration in the curriculum and attending more continuing dental education (CDE) programmes to update the knowledge regarding tobacco cessation intervention means and referring patients with heavy dependence to psychiatrists.
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