ABC: časopis urgentne medicine
Laryngeal mask (LMA) as an alternative method of maintaining the weighted airway: Case report
Đorđević Biljana1  Stajić Nenad1 
[1] Opšta bolnica 'Laza K. Lazarević', Služba za prijem i zbrinjavanje urgentnih stanja, Šabac, Serbia;
关键词: case report;    difficult intubation;    laryngeal mask;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

INTODUCTION: Laryngeal mask (LMA) means for supraglottic (above the laryngeal cover) airway. Timely used in operating rooms, IMA is now more and more recommended in the equipment of emergency services as an important adjunct to airway in difficult situations. Basically, each consisting of tube and inflating mask that is placed deflated and then inflated and its lumen fully covers the laryngeal lid and larynx. Causes of difficult intubation can be congenital an acquired, very position of the patient, inexperienced artists, incomplete equipment. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Review of available references and published studies ; descriptive overview of the case - analysis of the medical report of receipt of the Emergency Services General Hospitals Sabac OBJECTIVE: is to point out that the laryngeal mask one of the best ways airway in cases of difficult intubation CASE REPORT: Difficult intubation due to the inexperience of the young doctor. The Emergency admission General Hospital Sabac began CPR for cardiac arrest patients. A man aged 65 osteomuscular medium build, is unconscious, cyanotic, respiration rare about 6 / min. TA immeasurable, Sa02 30%, glucose 7.4. Started chest compressions, the patient received Adrenalin amp. necessary intubation (duty anesthetist in the operating room for surgical intervention). In view of the constitution of the patient selected vel.5 LMA. (Figure 1). In the mouth, there was no foreign content heteroanamnestic is obtained by the fact that no congenital narrowing of the upper airway. LMA placed without difficulty, and then started manually venting, which is achieved visibly raising the chest, adequate gas exchange Sa02 80%. EKG achieved sinus rhythm with signs of inferior myocardial infarction. The patient was intubated so transferred to the Coronary Care Unit Department of Internal Medicine. CONCLUSION: LMA should become an integral part of any reanimation equipment and emergency services staff should be trained to use it.

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