In the Library with the Lead Pipe
Not Just Another Pretty Picture
关键词: about the patron;    Beautiful Data;    Data-driven decision making;    Excel;    FlowingData;    GapMinder;    Google Motion Charts;    information dashboards;    Infosthetics;    library assessment;    library data;    library metrics;    ManyEyes;    spreadsheets;    Swivel;    Tufte;    Tukey;    Visual Complexity;    visualizations;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Not just another pretty picture Introduction I’m a slave to spreadsheets. Trying to decide between a stacked column bar chart and a 3-D area chart is par for the course in my work. Microsoft Excel© is great for many practical needs, but it doesn’t always support the need to create simple, compelling and interactive graphical [...]
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