Athens Journal of Mass Media and Communications
A Glance Backwards is Growth: By Recognizing where Metropolitan Daily Newspapers Came From over the last 30 Years – A Strategic Business Model for the Future Can Be Proposed
Adam Pitluk1 
[1]PhD Student, University of Oklahoma, USA
关键词: digital media;    hierarchical management;    newspapers;    media management;   
DOI  :  10.30958/ajmmc.4-4-3
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Since the Internet became less of a novelty and more of a cultural paradigm, global society has turned to the web for up-to-the-minute updates of news and events. One casualty of this new 24-hour news cycle was the American newspaper. No longer the medium by which a digital society receives its news, the American newspaper has slowly limped off to its dying place, as day-old news does not attract readers with the same frequency that it did before the rise of the Internet. Dying mediums do not attract advertisers. A decline in advertising means a decrease in operating budgets, and that means fewer reporters and editors. Part of the reason newspapers were not ready for the technology boom is because management lacked the business acumen and marketing prowess to ready itself for a changing landscape. Newsroom managers were tone deaf to the calls of their readers to innovate. Newspaper response to the Internet was to put all their content online for free, assuming that once accustomed to receiving their news online, readers would come around and agree to pay for online subscriptions. Tellingly, the hierarchical newsroom management model remained unchanged, and news consumers’ habits changed around them, thereby rendering print newspapers obsolete. This paper explores the historic downfall of the print newspaper and proposes a new newsroom model that can save the American newspaper.
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