Indonesia Law Review
Urgency for Legal Framework on Drones: Lessons for Indonesia, India, and Thailand
Thitipon Mahem1  Ridha Aditya Nugraha2  Deepika Jeyakodi3 
[1] DD Kamyotha LLP;German Aviation Research Society;Spectrum Law Associates, Chennai, India.;
关键词: drones;    legal framework;    regulation;    regional co-operation;    UAV;   
DOI  :  10.15742/ilrev.v6n2.229
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Civilian drones are revolutionizing the skies, ushering in several beneficial possibilities and along with it several questions. From checking damage to a roof and aerial photography to border patrolling and emergency response, drones are increasingly put to civil and commercial use. Such a common use requires regulation. Technology has always grown exponentially, whereas the law governing such technology has to contend with such growth. Developed western countries are not the only ones grappling with reigning in these drones. The unique geographic conditions and national interests of Indonesia, India, and Thailand, find more utility for civilian drones, welcoming in the technology and the disruption it brings along. Each of these nations has adopted a measure of regulation for civilian usage of drones, which is the subject of this paper; An overview of its impact on this burgeoning phenomenon is provided, by comparing the existing legal framework in these three countries. Further, an attempt has been made to draw out suggestions for the Governments by highlighting factors that will require more deliberation in the process of establishing a sound legal and regulatory environment for civilian drones. Finally, the possibility of regional co-operation in establishing uniform standards, practices, and legal framework is explored.

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