Nuclear Engineering and Technology
Dissolution behavior of SrO into molten LiCl for heat reduction in used nuclear fuel
Sungyeol Choi1  James T.M. Amphlett1  Dokyu Kang1  Sang-Eun Bae2  Eun-Young Choi2 
[1] Department of Nuclear and Quantum Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, 291 Daehak-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, 34141, Republic of Korea;Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, 111 Daedeok-daero 989, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, 34057, Republic of Korea;
关键词: Molten salt;    Pyroprocessing;    Fission products;    Heat reduction process;    Solubility;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

This study reports on the dissolution behavior of SrO in LiCl at varying SrO concentrations from low concentrations to excess. The amount of SrO dissolved in the molten salt and the species present upon cooling were determined. The thermal behavior of LiCl containing various concentrations of SrO was investigated. The experimental results were compared with results from the simulated results using the HSC Chemistry software package. Although the reaction of SrO with LiCl in the standard state at 650 °C has a slightly positive Gibbs free energy, SrO was found to be highly soluble in LiCl. Experimentally determined SrO concentrations were found to be considerably higher than those present in used nuclear fuel (<2 g/kg). As Sr-90 is one of the most important heat-generating nuclides in used nuclear fuel, this finding will be impactful in the development of fast, simple, and proliferation-resistant heat reduction processes for used nuclear fuel without the need for separating nuclear materials. Heat reduction is important as it decreases both the volume necessary for final disposal and the worker handling risk.

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