Clinical and Molecular Characteristics of Rare Malignant Tumors of Colon and Rectum
Nadia Petrillo1  Marika Casillo1  Monica Ianniello1  Michele Caraglia2  Gabriella Misso2  Marco Cascella3  Ugo Pace3  Francesco Perri3  Alessandro Ottaiano3  Paolo Delrio3  Guglielmo Nasti3  Bruno Marra3  Marco Correra3  Mariachiara Santorsola3  Francesco Sabbatino4 
[1] AMES, Centro Polidiagnostico Strumentale srl, 80013 Naples, Italy;Department of Precision Medicine, University of Campania “L. Vanvitelli”, Via de Crecchio 7, 80138 Naples, Italy;Istituto Nazionale Tumori di Napoli, IRCCS “G. Pascale”, Via M. Semmola, 80131 Naples, Italy;Oncology Unit, San Giovanni di Dio e Ruggi D’Aragona University Hospital, Universisty of Salerno, 84131 Salerno, Italy;
关键词: colon;    rectum;    rare tumors;    genetics;    NGS;   
DOI  :  10.3390/biology11020267
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The most frequent form of colorectal cancer is represented by adenocarcinoma being about 98% of tumor histological types. However, other rare histotypes can be found in colon and rectum (adenosquamous, goblet cell adenocarcinoma, lymphoma, medullary carcinoma, melanoma, mesenchymal, neuroendocrine, plasmacytoma, signet ring, squamous tumors). Altogether, these forms account for less than 2% of colorectal tumors. There are no specific diagnostic or therapeutic recommended approaches and most of the information available from literature derives from small and retrospective clinical series. In the present study, we provide a paramount and updated view on clinical and biologic characteristics of rare colorectal tumors.

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