International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Methanobactin-Mediated Synthesis of Gold Nanoparticles Supported over Al2O3 toward an Efficient Catalyst forGlucose Oxidation
Kai Lin1  Jia-Ying Xin1  Yan Wang1  Chun-Gu Xia2 
[1]Key Laboratory for Food Science & Engineering, Harbin University of Commerce,Harbin 150076, China
[2]State Key Laboratory for Oxo Synthesis & Selective Oxidation,Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou 730000, China
关键词: methanobactin;    bioreduction;    glucose oxidation;    gold nanoparticles;    Au/Al2O3 catalysts;   
DOI  :  10.3390/ijms151221603
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Methanobactin (Mb) is a copper-binding peptide that appears to function asan agent for copper sequestration and uptake in methanotrophs. Mb can also bind and reduce Au(III) to Au(0). In this paper, Au/Al2O3 catalysts prepared by a novel incipientwetness-Mb-mediated bioreduction method were used for glucose oxidation. The catalysts were characterized, and the analysis revealed that very small gold nanoparticles with a particle size <4 nm were prepared by the incipient wetness-Mb-mediated bioreduction method, even at 1.0% Au loading (w/w). The influence of Au loading, calcination temperature and calcination time on the specific activity of Au/Al2O3 catalysts was systematically investigated. Experimental results showed that decomposing the Mb molecules properly by calcinations can enhance the specific activity of Au/Al2O3 catalysts, though they acted as reductant and protective agents during the catalyst preparation. Au/Al2O3 catalysts synthesized by the method exhibited optimum specific activity under operational synthesis conditions of Au loading of 1.0 wt % and calcined at 450 °C for 2 h. The catalysts were reused eight times, without a significant decrease in specific activity.To our knowledge, this is the first attempt at the preparation of Au/Al2O3 catalysts byMb-mediated in situ synthesis of gold nanoparticles.
【 授权许可】


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