Design of Mixed Batch Reactor and Column Studies at Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Wu, Weimin1  Criddle, Craig S.1 
[1]Stanford Univ., CA (United States)
关键词: ORNL;    ETHANOL;    GROUND WATER;    EXPERIMENT DESIGN;    ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING;    MICROCOSMS;    SEDIMENTS;    URANIUM;    REDUCTION;    BIOGEOCHEMISTRY;    CHEMICAL COMPOSITION;    SULFATES iron;    bioreduction;    reoxidation;    column;    synchronal analysis;   
DOI  :  10.2172/1226006
RP-ID  :  DR--SC0006783
PID  :  OSTI ID: 1226006
Others  :  TRN: US1600017
来源: SciTech Connect
【 摘 要 】
We (the Stanford research team) were invited as external collaborators to contribute expertise in environmental engineering and field research at the ORNL IFRC, Oak Ridge, TN, for projects carried out at the Argonne National Laboratory and funded by US DOE. Specifically, we assisted in the design of batch and column reactors using ORNL IFRC materials to ensure the experiments were relevant to field conditions. During the funded research period, we characterized ORNL IFRC groundwater and sediments in batch microcosm and column experiments conducted at ANL, and we communicated with ANL team members through email and conference calls and face-to-face meetings at the annual ERSP PI meeting and national meetings. Microcosm test results demonstrated that U(VI) in sediments was reduced to U(IV) when amended with ethanol. The reduced products were not uraninite but unknown U(IV) complexes associated with Fe. Fe(III) in solid phase was only partially reduced. Due to budget reductions at ANL, Stanford contributions ended in 2011.
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