Qu’est-ce qu’un cas de mortalité par la faim ? La surmortalité par la famine en débats au Bengale colonial (1873-1875)
关键词: famine;    colonial administration;    statistics;    British Empire;    India;    university;   
DOI  :  10.4000/traces.12690
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
The importance of numbering practices for colonial social control is well-documented. From October 1873 to February 1875, there was officially a famine situation in Bengal but its scope was controversial both in colonial India and in Britain. Officials stated that only twenty-four people had died directly from starvation during the famine. But what does this number stand for? It seems paradoxical to register individual cases in the midst of a broad phenomenon. With this statistically questionable official statement, the colonial authorities were more concerned with justifying their policies than acknowledging the reality of famine. Moreover they made the starving responsible for their own starvation.
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