International Journal of Anthropology and Ethnology
Sweeteners are not always sweet: the social and economic consequences of the growing demand for sugar in Ethiopia
Bula S. Wayessa1 
[1]Department of African American and African Studies, University of Minnesota
关键词: Sugar;    Dietary change;    Environmental degradation;    Rural land grab;    Taste preferences;   
DOI  :  10.1186/s41257-022-00063-y
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Abstract This article explores the recent increase in the demand for sugar in Ethiopia, and the ways in which the distribution and sale of sugar have been manipulated for political gain after the country’s demand outstripped production and supply. It also examines how agro-industrial expansion programs have resulted in land dispossession and the resettlement of smallholder farmers in the southern Ethiopian lowlands who were promised better living standards through modernization. The results of this study indicate that the expansion of Ethiopian sugar projects took place not only because of the increased demand for sugar in the country, but also because of the global political economy that shapes the nature of development projects in Global South.
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