Journal of Postgraduate Medicine
Primary extrapancreatic gastrinoma.
关键词: Adolescent;    Case Report;    Endoscopy;    Gastrointestinal;    Gastrinoma;    blood;    diagnosis;    surgery;    Gastrins;    blood;    Human;    Male;    Pancreatic Neoplasms;    blood;    diagnosis;    surgery;    Tomography;    X-Ray Computed;    Vagotomy;    Truncal;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Extrapancreatic gastrinoma is a rare clinical entity encountered in surgical practice. A patient was referred to us who had a history of recurring symptoms of peptic ulcer disease and ulcer perforation located at an unusual site. Serum gastrin levels were abnormally high. Scopy revealed multiple ulcers in the antrum and duodenum. A mass superior to the head of the pancreas was detected on USG, which later on found to be a separate mass on CT scan. The tumour was excised and confirmed on histopathology. Results of conservative surgery were found to be satisfactory.
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