Journal of Postgraduate Medicine
Primary hypertrophic tuberculosis of the pyloroduodenal area: report of 2 cases.
关键词: Adolescent;    Adult;    Case Report;    Duodenal Diseases;    complications;    diagnosis;    Female;    Gastric Outlet Obstruction;    diagnosis;    etiology;    Human;    Pyloric Antrum;    Tuberculosis;    Gastrointestinal;    complications;    diagnosis;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Tuberculosis of the stomach and duodenum is rare in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis. Primary involvement is even rarer. Two cases of primary tuberculosis of the localised to the pyloro-duodenal area are presented. The most common symptoms are non-specific leading to a difficulty in establishing a pre-operative diagnosis. A high degree of suspicion is therefore required for its diagnosis and to differentiate it from more frequent causes of gastric outlet obstruction such as chronic peptic ulcer disease and gastric carcinoma. The treatment of gastric tuberculosis is primarily medical with anti-tuberculous drug therapy. The role of surgery lies in the cases with obstruction following hypertrophic tuberculosis. The surgery done is usually a gastroenterostomy. With the relative rate of extra-pulmonary tuberculosis increasing, tuberculosis of the pyloro-duodenal area should be considered in the differential diagnosis of gastric outlet obstruction.
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