Structural Characterization of a Polysaccharide from Gastrodia elata and Its Bioactivity on Gut Microbiota
Wanying Wu1  Feifei Li1  Jinjun Hou1  Cen Xie1  Zijia Zhang1  Min Lei1  Yameng Liu1  Jiangyan Huo1  Huali Long1  Xianchun Zhong1 
[1] Shanghai Research Center for Modernization of Traditional Chinese Medicine, National Engineering Laboratory for TCM Standardization Technology, Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 201203, China;
关键词: Gastrodia elata;    structural characterization;    polysaccharide;    gut microbiota;   
DOI  :  10.3390/molecules26154443
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

A novel homogeneous polysaccharide named GEP-1 was isolated and purified from Gastrodia elata (G. elata) by hot-water extraction, ethanol precipitation, and membrane separator. GEP-1, which has a molecular weight of 20.1 kDa, contains a polysaccharide framework comprised of only glucose. Methylation and NMR analysis showed that GEP-1 contained 1,3,6-linked-α-Glcp, 1,4-linked-α-Glcp, 1,4-linked-β-Glcp and 1,4,6-linked-α-Glcp. Interestingly, GEP-1 contained citric acid and repeating p-hydroxybenzyl alcohol as one branch. Furthermore, a bioactivity test showed that GEP-1 could significantly promote the growth of Akkermansia muciniphila (A. muciniphila) and Lacticaseibacillus paracasei (L.paracasei) strains. These results implied that GEP-1 might be useful for human by modulating gut microbiota.

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