Geo Journal of Tourism and Geosites
Ardyanto TANJUNG1  SUMARMI2  Theo Benardo SIMANJUNTAK3  Abdul KODIR4  Risdawati AHMAD5 
[1] University Negeri Malang, Faculty of Social Science, Geography Department, Bd I1 Jalan Semarang No 5 Malang, e-mail: ardyanto.tanjung.fis@um.ac.id;University Negeri Malang, Faculty of Social Science, Geography Department, Bd I1 Jalan Semarang No 5 Malang, e-mail: sumarmi.fis@um.ac.id;University Negeri Malang, Faculty of Social Science, Geography Department, Bd I1 Jalan Semarang No 5 Malang, e-mail: theobernardo@gmail.com;University Negeri Malang, Faculty of Social Science, Sociology Department, Bd I1 Jalan Semarang No 5 Malang, e-mail: abdul.kodir.fs@um.ac.id;University Negeri Malang, Faculty of Social Science, Sociology Department, Bd I1 Jalan Semarang No 5 Malang, e-mail: risdawatiahmad@gmail.com ;
关键词: tourism;    governance;    national park;    komodo;    blessed;    curse;   
DOI  :  10.30892/gtg.27424-443
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

This study aims to explain the management of tourism in the Komodo National Park (KNP). Besides, this study portrays the impact of tourism management on the socio-economic life of people living nearby the KNP. This study employed qualitative research methods. The data were obtained from interviews with community leaders, naturalist guides, village heads, tourism managers, fishers, and tourism management communities in the region. Two villages in the KNP were chosen as the data collection sites. The results of this study indicate that the management of tourism in the Komodo National Park area is dominated by the KNP Officer, while the local people exclusively positioned as natularist guide. Besides, this study shows that the existence of tourism in the national park only impacts on people living in the Komodo island region which exclude people living in the island of Rinca from welfare and prosperity.

【 授权许可】


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