Química Nova
Cu and Co exchanged ZSM-5 zeolites: activity towards no reduction and hydrocarbon oxidation
关键词: |Cu x|[Si yAl]-MFI;    |Co x|[Si yAl]-MFI;    NO reduction;    propane oxidation;   
DOI  :  10.1590/S0100-40422006000200009
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

|Cu x|[Si yAl]-MFI and |Co x|[Si yAl]-MFI catalysts were prepared by ion exchange from |Na|[Si yAl]-MFI zeolites (y = 12, 25 and 45). The activity of the catalysts was evaluated in the reduction of NO to N2 in an oxidative atmosphere using propane or methane as reducing agents. The Cu catalysts were only active with propane and they presented higher activity than the Co-based catalysts, the latter being active with both hydrocarbons. H2-TPR and DRS-UV/Vis data allowed correlation between the activity towards NO reduction and the presence of cationic charge-compensating species in the zeolite. It was also verified that the hydrocarbons are preferentially oxidised by O2, a reaction that occurs simultaneously with their oxidation with NO.

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