Biotechnologia Acta
K. A. P. Gaminda1  R. Senthilnithy1  I. B. K. Thomas1  D. T. Abeysinghe1  C. D. Jayasinghe2 
[1] Department of Chemistry, The Open University of Sri Lanka, Nugegoda;Department of Zoology, The Open University of Sri Lanka, Nugegoda;
关键词: pathogen;    dnazyme;    biosensors;    peroxidase mimicking dnazyme.;   
DOI  :  10.15407/biotech14.05.005
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The purpose of the review was to analyze the use of DNAzyme biosensors for the detection of pathogens. In the recent years, deoxyribozymes (DNAzymes) have a significant impact as biosensors in diverse fields, from detection of metal ions in the environment to theranostic applications and detection of microorganisms. Although routinely used sophisticated instrumental methods are available to detect pathogenic bacterial contamination, they involve time-consuming, complicated sample pre-treatment and expensive instruments. As an alternative, pathogen-specific DNAzymes have demonstrated a series of advantages: a non-destructive rapid analysis technique with in situ and real-time detection of bacteria with high sensitivity and selectivity. A wide range of pathogen-specific DNAzymes has been developed using colorimetric and fluorescence-based detections for pathogenic bacterial contamination in various samples. The current review summarizes the in vitro selection of pathogen-specific DNAzymes, various strategies utilized in the sensor designs, and their potential use in theranostic applications.

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